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Maui Massage & Wellness, LLC.
MAE - 2724 & BSH - 4825
Nothing replaces human touch .
Reyna's Cosmetics
Reyna's Cosmetics
We carry a wide range of Skin Care Products to suit all types of skin and skin care needs. Reyna's Cosmetics are formulated by Raya Laboratories using newly discovered, as well as the purest and most effective traditional natural ingredients. Our most popular products are shown below. Please call or stop by for more information on products, current promotions and custom blends .
(808) 669-4500
(808) 669-4500
*Scrubs and Exfoliators
*Toner and Astringents
*Day and Night Creams
* Masks
*Topical Vitamin C
*Scrubs and Exfoliators
*Toner and Astringents
*Day and Night Creams
* Masks
*Topical Vitamin C
N=Normal D=Dry O=Oily C=Combination S=Sensitive A=Acne M=Mature
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